Raising the bar to the highest level, the Studio Series snare is constructed using cast bronze and brass that naturally resonate along with the drum shell. Taking it a step further, all hardware that touches the shell is machined to match the shell curvature. These facts combined with the absence of excess glues, and unnecessary gaskets all over the drum, allow the drum to express itself to the absolute fullest. Made from steam-bent, single-ply wood, each shell is hand-finished with tung oil and buffed to a satin finish. Every Studio Series snare is equipped with cast bronze hoops, brass half moon lugs, and tension rods made from an ultra-strong bronze alloy.This snare ships from Badges Drum Shop - Cincinnati, OH. Please order directly from Badges.
Your Studio Series Snare includes:
Gator Elite Air Hard Case
NATO-1™ XL Throw off w/short handle mod
Cast Bronze Hoops
WS-1 Poly Pro wire straps
PureSound Custom Pro 20 strand wires
Evans 300 Snare Side | G1 Batter
Lifetime warranty for shell defects
Lifetime warranty for defects with the NATO-1™
Shell marked with frequency, note, & signed by its builder
Single-Ply Shell Construction
Every snare shell is constructed of a single piece of wood that is steam-bent. We partner exclusively with Cask, North America's foremost steam-bent shell company.
Each shell is backed by a lifetime warranty.
Simplified Unibody Lug
Innovative unibody lug that eliminates all moving parts found in modern lugs today (springs, swivel nuts, etc) that will break down over time and create unwanted rattling.
Three mount points to eliminate lugs from pulling away from the shell over time.
High Thread Count
Backlash of tension rods is significantly reduced (if not eliminated) due to the high thread count in our tension rods (32 threads per inch)
Eliminates the need to buy additional accessories to prevent tension rods from backing out.
Solid Brass Hardware
All hardware is comprised of solid brass to maximize shell resonance.
Reduces dampening of the drums natural ability to resonate vs. die-cast or other materials.
Superior durability over die-cast and other material as brass does not rust.